Who else would blow it up? For Russia, Nordstream was an effective tactical weapon in this conflict, which was causing increasingly visible cracks to form in the united front against Russia. It was also their infrastructure and their product that bubbled away in to the atmosphere. Its destruction has had nothing but negative consequences for them. The west blew up Nordstream, because there's no point in your citizens rioting about getting a gas pipeline switched back on if it doesn't exist any more - irrespective of how many of you are freezing to death.
We blew up Nordstream.. I'm amazed we have the brass neck to try and blame Russia - and even more amazed we're getting away with it. Why bother waiting for evidence with a US flag on it - it's bloody obvious what happened
No, I'm not raking through history to 'provide links'. If you can't directly dispute a point, then question your own links.